Quinn's Computing Feedback - Wii Desktop Beta

What we're working on:+

Items listed here are things we are currently working on.

Note: Please visit the Wii Desktop site here to see what needs to be tested.



Splash screen appears where it shouldn't, such as in the background of some pages and when pages are loading.  Fixing


Milliseconds appear in time display on Wii Menu and are updated every second. Fixed in Version Beta 13


Irrelevant symbol appears before keyboard icon on touch keyboard button in the Settings Editor. Fixed in Version Beta 12


User name in the User Settings page always resets to "Username". Fixed in Version Beta 12


An error message was displayed regardless of whether a channel shortcut was successfully launched. Fixed in Version Beta 11


When the new Wii Message box introduced in Beta 10 was opened in Tablet Mode in Windows 10, Windows would switch to it as if it were an app, then, when it was closed, Windows would switch to the start screen Fixed in Version Beta 11


Splash screen can be seen on the channel page Fixed in Version Beta 10


Layout issues on the channel page Investigating


Updates displays the No cursor on mouse over, despite it being clickable Fixed in Version Beta 11


Message board fit issues Investigating


Text being replaced with " " in Message Board Investigating


If you've reported a bug and it still exists but was not listed as fixed, we should already know about it and are working on a fix for it. If a bug still exists that was said to be fixed in the changelog, please report it again! Investigating